Monday, February 22, 2010

BirdBrain 2010 unConference

Come and spread your wings at Afeka Tel Aviv College of Engineering
March 2nd, with Jeff Pulver, Yossi Vardi and friends (you)!

You are hereby invited to join us for two co-joined special events:

08:30-10:00 the traditional Jeff Pulver Networking Breakfast - Signup here
10:30-15:00 "Bird Brain 2010" an Un-Conference about Creative Passion

Feng-GUI CEO, Rafael Mizrahi, will be presenting at:
10:50-11:00 Innovative Thinking - Inside the Box

BirdBrain is organized by Mel Rosenberg, Noam Fine, Yossi Vardi, Sharon Ariel and Afeka College, with the guidance of Yossi Vardi.