* Dimensions, input dimensions. So you don't want the input to be too small and you don't want the input to be too high. We have the recommended input size for images and for videos. If we take a look here at an example of an image which is too small, you may see that the image is almost the size of the legend overlay that we have here. And here is an example of an image with the proper dimensions. If we compare them side by side, you can see that the results are slightly different. Avoid using too small dimensions of an image or too large. Too large will cause no negative impact, only a little bit about performance.
* Quality of the image and the video. Use only high quality and lossless compression. So don't compress your video or images too much. Otherwise you will get artifacts that are changing the image. As a result will also change the analysis report. Lossless compression, PNG and MP4 with 100% quality.
* Product and package images. You should prefer landscape and square images. And add at least 10% of blank margin around the product. In this example the product is covering the entire image, which is not so good. You should leave at least 10% of space around the product. This is a good example. this is a good example, the product has some white space around it and the analysis is better.
* A few tips about website input. We do have the upload web address but you should avoid it and just use your own snapshot that you create by yourself because it gives you more control of how the input image looks like. So some examples. So this is a good example of a web page image. You see that only the content of the web page is being analyzed and this is what you want to take a snapshot of, only the content of the web page. This is a bad example because in this example the image analyzed also contains the the toolbar and some artifacts of the browser and you don't want to analyze them. Only the content of the web page should be analyzed.
* Always prefer images which are landscape and horizontal because this is how we see the world and avoid analyzing pictures which are vertical and portrait because this is not how we see things. If this is what you have if that's the only image that you have so you can analyze it but if you are taking the picture outdoor or indoor so prefer taking landscape images obviously.