Monday, December 17, 2007

Artists look different

When doing Eye-Tracking survey, don't include artists, they may change the results by 20%.

A Norwegian study, that showed 16 pictures to both trained and untrained artists used eye-tracking software to show that not only do they see the world differently when drawing it, they also see differently when studying it.”

Read the full story at "Cognitive Daily":

Friday, December 14, 2007

GuitarHeroNoid at LeWeb3 France

Kathy brooks from Six Apart and Loic Le Meur invited the GuitarHeroNoid to perform at LeWeb3 conference France.
Our man Tal Chalozin, the heronoid Puppeteer, went there and presented the garageGeeks activities.

Here is a video of the show

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

GuitarHeroNoid v2 at VON 2007 Boston

Mr Jeff Pulver invited the human-size robot playing guitar hero aka the GuitarHeroNoid to preform in VON Boston 2007 (Video Over the Net) conference in Boston.

Tal Chalozin and Yuval Tal have improved the robot version 2, adding some more features like the Controller-Controller and the Penis Guitar Holder.


Pictures from VON