Sunday, September 29, 2024

Expanded Team Sharing for Basic and Professional Plans!

We’re thrilled to announce a major update to our Team Sharing feature, giving even more flexibility and collaboration options to our users!

For customers on our Basic Plan, you now have access to share your plan with up to 5 team members—a feature previously unavailable. This allows your team to collaborate and utilize Feng-GUI’s powerful attention analysis tools together, without the need for individual subscriptions.

For our Professional Plan customers, we’re increasing the Team Sharing limit from 10 members to 25 members! Now, larger teams can work together more seamlessly, ensuring everyone has access to the same insights and design tools.

This update is part of our commitment to making Feng-GUI more collaborative and accessible for teams of all sizes. We hope this helps your team work smarter and more efficiently!

See Complete Feature List at

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

FENG-GUI Tutorials - AOIs

00:00 Introduction to AOIs 01:16 Add AOIs 01:52 Auto AOIs 02:40 Copy and Paste 03:16 Analyzing AOI Data 03:58 Visual Features 04:30 Most Important Tip - Create Contrast 04:57 Summery today’s session is about creating areas of interest, or AOIs. This topic is crucial for understanding how users interact with visual content, be it websites, advertisements, or packaging. AOIs help us focus our analysis on specific regions of interest within a visual stimulus, allowing us to gather more meaningful data about how users engage with those areas. What Are AOIs? Let’s start with the basics. Areas of Interest, or AOIs, are specific regions on a screen or within a visual field that you define for the purpose of analyzing eye-tracking data. By setting AOIs, you can determine where users look, how long they spend looking at different areas, and how their gaze transitions between these areas. Why Are AOIs Important? AOIs are crucial for several reasons: *Focused Analysis:* They allow you to isolate and analyze specific elements of a visual stimulus, such as a button, image, or text block. *Quantitative Metrics:* AOIs provide quantitative data on metrics like gaze duration, fixations, and saccades within defined areas. *Improving Design:* By understanding which areas attract attention and which do not, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance advertisement effectiveness and website design. Setting Up AOIs** Now, let’s discuss how to set up AOIs effectively. There are several steps involved: *Define Your Objective:* *Purpose:* Determine what you want to learn from the analysis reports? Are you interested in user attention, interaction, or navigation patterns? *Content:* Identify the key elements on your screen or visual stimulus that you want to analyze. *Add AOIs:* In Feng-GUI, use the AOIs "Add Area" menu, to create AOIs on your visual content. Carefully place AOIs around elements of interest. Ensure they accurately cover the areas you want to study. Assign clear and descriptive labels to each AOI. This helps in organizing and interpreting your data. Use consistent naming conventions and sizing for AOIs across similar studies to maintain clarity and comparability. Fine-tune the size and position of AOIs as needed to ensure they capture the relevant content without overlapping or missing important areas. Make sure AOIs are large enough to capture user interactions but not so large that they overlap with other AOIs. Validate your AOIs by running "Analyze" and or reviewing the reports to ensure they are capturing the intended areas effectively. Automatic creation of AOIs using object detection algorithms works by identifying key objects or elements in an image, such as faces, products, or text, using machine learning models. These models scan the image, draw bounding boxes around detected objects, and automatically designate these areas as AOIs. Analyzing AOI Data** Once your AOIs are set up, you’ll want to analyze the data collected. Look at metrics such as: "Time To First Fixation" The time it takes for a viewer's gaze to land on an AOI. "Fixation Duration" How long users spend looking at each AOI. "Fixation Count" The number of times users look at an AOI. "Gaze Patterns" How gaze transitions occur between AOIs. These metrics can provide insights into user engagement and the effectiveness of different visual elements. Visual Features provide a comprehensive breakdown of the specific elements within your design that influence user attention. This feature analyzes key visual characteristics, such as contrast, color, edges, and shapes, which play a vital role in guiding the viewer’s gaze. By understanding how these features impact the overall Visibility Score of the AOI, you can make informed decisions about adjustments to improve visibility and focus on critical areas. That brings us to the end of our lecture on creating AOIs for eye-tracking studies. I hope this has given you a solid foundation on the topic. Let’s open the floor for any questions you might have. Understanding how to effectively set up and analyze AOIs is essential for leveraging eye-tracking data to its fullest potential.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

FENG-GUI Tutorials - File Input

This tutorial about file inputs and best practices for file formats, dimensions, quality, and several negative examples and how to avoid them. 
In our help page, you'll see a list of tips and practices. and in this session, we'll take a look at several examples. 

00:00 Introduction
00:38 File Names 01:07 Image and Video Dimensions 02:01 Quality and Compression 02:30 Product and Package 03:00 Website analysis 04:50 Outdoor and Indoor

* To begin with, input names, use alphanumeric characters. Otherwise, Feng-GUI will translate the file name into a unique alphanumeric characters file name. So to avoid that, just use English characters and numbers and dash and that's it. And this way, Feng-GUI will preserve your original file name.

* Dimensions, input dimensions. So you don't want the input to be too small and you don't want the input to be too high. We have the recommended input size for images and for videos. If we take a look here at an example of an image which is too small, you may see that the image is almost the size of the legend overlay that we have here. And here is an example of an image with the proper dimensions. If we compare them side by side, you can see that the results are slightly different. Avoid using too small dimensions of an image or too large. Too large will cause no negative impact, only a little bit about performance.

* Quality of the image and the video. Use only high quality and lossless compression. So don't compress your video or images too much. Otherwise you will get artifacts that are changing the image. As a result will also change the analysis report. Lossless compression, PNG and MP4 with 100% quality.

* Product and package images. You should prefer landscape and square images. And add at least 10% of blank margin around the product. In this example the product is covering the entire image, which is not so good. You should leave at least 10% of space around the product. This is a good example. this is a good example, the product has some white space around it and the analysis is better.

* A few tips about website input. We do have the upload web address but you should avoid it and just use your own snapshot that you create by yourself because it gives you more control of how the input image looks like. So some examples. So this is a good example of a web page image. You see that only the content of the web page is being analyzed and this is what you want to take a snapshot of, only the content of the web page. This is a bad example because in this example the image analyzed also contains the the toolbar and some artifacts of the browser and you don't want to analyze them. Only the content of the web page should be analyzed. 
 This is another bad example. Obviously we don't see the entire web page at once so don't take a snapshot of the entire web page and analyze it. If you want to analyze all the web page from top to bottom either take different snapshots of the page or more easy and better approach is to take a video of navigating the web page and browsing through the web page and analyze this video in Feng-GUI. This will enable you more smooth transition and also enable you to record and analyze animation if there are or videos if they are in the web page.

* Always prefer images which are landscape and horizontal because this is how we see the world and avoid analyzing pictures which are vertical and portrait because this is not how we see things. If this is what you have if that's the only image that you have so you can analyze it but if you are taking the picture outdoor or indoor so prefer taking landscape images obviously.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

AI Meets AI: Revolutionize Your Predictive Analytics with AI Insights!

Get ready to supercharge your predictive analytics experience! Feng-GUI is thrilled to introduce its latest groundbreaking feature: AI-driven interpretation and design recommendations. This innovation is set to transform the way you analyze data and optimize your design strategies, propelling your projects to unprecedented levels of success. Imagine this: You've just completed a complex analysis using Feng-GUI's state-of-the-art predictive analytics software. Now, instead of spending hours deciphering intricate data patterns and figuring out how to enhance your design, our AI assistant (that's me! I also  wrote this blog post) steps in to do the heavy lifting. Yes, you heard that right—I'm here to interpret your analysis reports and provide you with actionable design recommendations tailored to improve your results.

With this new feature, Feng-GUI is not just enhancing its software; it is revolutionizing your workflow. Here's how: Instant Interpretation, Design Recommendations, and Seamless Integration. Save time, enhance accuracy, and boost creativity. In 2007, Feng-GUI was the first to provide AI analysis, and now, it is proud to be the first to offer AI-driven interpretation and design recommendations. Dive into Feng-GUI's predictive analytics visual design software and unleash the full potential of AI-driven insights and recommendations today. The future is now—are you ready to seize it? 

Friday, January 26, 2024

Multilingual Text Detection transforming Predictive Eye Tracking Analysis!

In a major revelation from Feng-GUI, a trailblazer in predictive eye tracking analysis, a suite of cutting-edge features is set to redefine the understanding of user behavior. Feng-GUI proudly introduces Multilingual Text Detection, seamlessly integrated into a host of context-aware AI features, including facial emotions and object recognition. This comprehensive technology transcends language barriers, offering profound insights into user engagement across diverse digital landscapes. 

Enhanced Contextual Analysis Across Languages: Feng-GUI's Multilingual Text Detection, as part of other context-aware AI features, enables researchers to precisely identify and analyze textual elements in any language. This breakthrough facilitates a global understanding of user behavior, revolutionizing contextual analysis.

Global Optimization of Reading Patterns: Accurately identifying and tracking text regions in various languages, Feng-GUI's technology ensures a global optimization of reading patterns. This empowers designers to tailor content layout, font size, and formatting for enhanced readability and comprehension across linguistic backgrounds.

User Experience Enhancement for International Audiences: Feng-GUI's Multilingual Text Detection goes beyond language to create a more inclusive and personalized experience for users globally. Designers and developers can leverage these insights to craft interfaces that cater to diverse linguistic preferences.

Insights for Global Marketing and Advertising Campaigns: Feng-GUI's technology provides a unique advantage in advertising by understanding how users engage with textual content across languages. This facilitates the analysis of ad effectiveness on a global scale, offering marketers valuable insights into user attention.

Conclusion: Feng-GUI's announcement signifies a quantum leap in predictive eye tracking analysis. The integration of Multilingual Text Detection with Context-Aware AI Features promises to unlock new dimensions in understanding user behavior globally. Researchers, developers, and designers can harness this innovative suite of features to provide inclusive, personalized experiences across languages. Stay tuned as Feng-GUI continues to lead the charge in reshaping the landscape of predictive eye tracking analysis for a more interconnected and accessible digital future.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Feng-GUI Unlocking Retail Success

Revolutionizing customer engagement and boosting sales.

Incorporating AI-Powered Neuromarketing into your retail and signage strategy can revolutionize the way you engage with customers, resulting in higher sales, improved customer satisfaction, and a significant competitive edge in today's dynamic market. 

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: AI-Powered Neuromarketing enables retailers to understand what catches a customer's attention, allowing for targeted and personalized advertising. This leads to more engaging shopping experiences and higher conversion rates.
  • Optimized Store Layouts: By tracking customers' gaze patterns, retailers can arrange products and displays strategically, ensuring that high-margin items receive maximum exposure, while improving traffic flow and overall store design.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Retailers gain valuable insights into customer behavior, enabling data-driven decision-making. This information can inform inventory management, pricing strategies, and product placement, resulting in increased sales and reduced waste.
    • Effective Signage: AI-Powered Neuromarketing helps businesses create more effective signage and marketing materials. By understanding what elements draw attention, companies can craft compelling visual messages that resonate with customers.
    • Improved Customer Satisfaction: When customers find what they need more easily and have more engaging shopping experiences, their overall satisfaction increases, fostering loyalty and repeat business.
    • Competitive Advantage: Implementing AI-Powered Neuromarketing technology can set retailers apart from competitors, showcasing a commitment to innovation and customer-centric strategies.

    AI-Powered Neuromarketing is transforming the retail and signage industry, offering a multitude of benefits that enhance customer experiences and drive sales. By analyzing and anticipating where customers will look, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts and store layouts, ultimately boosting profitability.

    Monday, October 30, 2023

    Auto-Generated AOIs are your Friends

    We're excited to announce that an upcoming feature will soon be available: Auto-Generated Areas of Interest (AOIs) in images. This technology is poised to simplify the world of advertising and neuromarketing, offering a practical tool to enhance audience engagement.

    The Promise of Auto-Generated AOIs:

    Identifying Areas of Interest (AOIs) in images has traditionally been a time-consuming and often subjective process. With our upcoming feature, we're introducing a streamlined solution, automating the AOI identification process to save time and improve accuracy.

    Key Benefits:

    • Efficiency: With auto-generated AOIs, the process of identifying and tracking areas of interest in images becomes faster and more efficient, allowing for quicker analysis.
    • Accuracy: Powered by AI, this technology ensures precise AOI identification, enabling more data-driven decision-making.
    • Enhanced Engagement: By understanding which elements of an image captivate viewers, advertisers can craft more engaging content, focusing on what matters most to their audience.

    IKEA's "Real Life Series" features a recreation of Monica's apartment from "Friends."
    Auto-Generated AOIs report by Feng-GUI 

    Elevating Neuromarketing:

    For neuromarketers, this feature will open doors to more in-depth analysis. Auto-generated AOIs expedite the process, offering deeper insights for more effective marketing strategies.


    Keep an eye out for the upcoming release of Feng-GUI, poised to enhance the fields of advertising and neuromarketing. This feature offers efficiency, accuracy, and improved engagement without exaggeration. Embrace Feng-GUI innovative tool to streamline your content analysis and stay ahead in the industry.

    Thursday, October 19, 2023

    Leveraging Feng-GUI for Trustworthy AI

    Leveraging Feng-GUI for Trustworthy AI: A NIST Framework Perspective


    The NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Trustworthy AI Framework provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and principles for ensuring that artificial intelligence (AI) systems are developed and operated in a trustworthy, transparent, and ethical manner. To support this framework, organizations can utilize various tools and services, including Feng-GUI, to enhance the trustworthiness of their AI applications. This document outlines how Feng-GUI's services align with the principles of the NIST Trustworthy AI Framework.

    Data and Models

    Principle 1: Data and Models Trustworthiness

    Feng-GUI offers valuable support in evaluating the trustworthiness of AI models and data through its visualization and analysis capabilities. It helps in identifying potential biases in data and provides insights into how users may perceive the visual elements in AI-driven applications. By analyzing how users interact with a design, Feng-GUI helps in improving the fairness and representativeness of AI systems.

    Development and Operations

    Principle 2: Development and Operations Trustworthiness

    Feng-GUI assists organizations in ensuring the development and operational trustworthiness of AI systems. It provides a platform for evaluating and optimizing the visual design of AI interfaces, ensuring that they are user-friendly, intuitive, and free from design flaws. This aligns with the framework's goal of validating and verifying AI systems, mitigating risks, and monitoring their performance.


    Principle 3: Governance Trustworthiness

    Feng-GUI can be integrated into governance structures to enhance oversight of AI system development and deployment. It supports the establishment of guidelines for visual design and user experience, contributing to the responsible use of AI technologies. By incorporating Feng-GUI's insights into design decisions, organizations can address legal and ethical considerations related to AI.

    User Interface and Experience

    Principle 4: User Interface and Experience Trustworthiness

    Feng-GUI is instrumental in creating AI systems that are user-centered and align with user expectations. Its analysis tools help in optimizing the user interface (UI) and the overall user experience (UX) by identifying design elements that resonate with users. This aligns with the framework's focus on human-AI interaction and accessibility.

    Explainability and Transparency

    Principle 5: Explainability and Transparency Trustworthiness

    Feng-GUI aids in increasing the transparency of AI systems. By visualizing how users interact with design elements, organizations gain insights into decision-making processes. They can explain why certain design choices were made, enhancing the overall transparency and explainability of AI applications.


    Feng-GUI, with its capabilities in visual design and user experience analysis, complements the NIST Trustworthy AI Framework's principles. By utilizing Feng-GUI's services, organizations can enhance the trustworthiness, transparency, and responsible use of their AI systems. Feng-GUI contributes to the alignment of AI applications with ethical and governance standards, making it a valuable tool in the journey towards trustworthy AI.

    Thursday, October 05, 2023

    Enhance Your Packaging Designs with Precision and Insight

    Predictive analytics technology has emerged as a game-changer for packing designers, offering a multitude of benefits that can elevate their creative process and improve the overall effectiveness of packaging designs. By accurately predicting where consumers will focus their attention, it allows designers to optimize their visual elements strategically.

    Boost your Neuromarketing with Feng-GUI

    • Improved Visual Hierarchy: Identify the most attention-grabbing elements to guide viewers through your design.
    • Optimized Branding: Ensure brand logos and messaging receive maximum exposure.
    • Enhanced Shopper Experience: Craft packages that resonate with consumers at first glance.

    • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed design choices based on real-world consumer behavior.
    • Time and Cost Efficiency: Reduce the need for costly design iterations and A/B testing.
    • Competitive Edge: Stay ahead by creating packaging that truly captures consumer interest.

    With predictive analytics, packing designers can gain invaluable insights and create designs that not only catch the eye but also drive sales and customer loyalty.

    Boost your Neuromarketing with Feng-GUI

      Unlocking Website Design Potential with Predictive analytics

      Predictive analytics technology has become an indispensable tool for website designers, offering a multitude of benefits that enhance user experience and overall design quality.
      By accurately predicting where users will focus their attention, this innovative tool empowers designers to optimize web layouts, content placement, and visual elements for maximum impact.

      Boost your Neuromarketing with Feng-GUI

      • User-Centric Design: Gain invaluable insights into user behavior, allowing designers to create websites that cater to the needs and expectations of their target audience.
      • Optimized Content Placement: Ensure critical information is strategically positioned, improving engagement and conversion rates.
      • Heatmaps and Gaze Plots: Visualize user gaze patterns and hotspots to make data-driven decisions for layout adjustments.
      • A/B Testing Support: Conduct rigorous testing to refine designs and boost website performance.

      • Reduced Bounce Rates: Keep visitors engaged longer by aligning design elements with their natural visual flow.
      • Enhanced Accessibility: Create designs that are more inclusive by considering how users with varying abilities interact with content.
      • Cost-Efficiency: Save time and resources by identifying design issues early in the development process.
      • Competitive Advantage: Stay ahead of the competition by delivering a user-centered, visually appealing website.

      Incorporating predictive analytics into the web design process not only ensures a more engaging and user-friendly experience but also helps designers create websites that stand out in a crowded digital landscape.