Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Feng-GUI Dashboard V6 preview

Feng-GUI dashboard V6 is scheduled to be released by January 2018.

New File Manager

The most prominent feature is the replacement of the bottom carousel with a file manager.


The file manager enables you to organize your images in directories.
You can create, rename, delete and move directories.

API updates

  • Additional file operations methods added to the API
    GetDirectories, GetFiles,MoveFile, MoveDirectory, DeleteDirectory, DeleteFile, CopyDirectory, CopyFile.
  • The GetImageAOIs method will become obsolete and you are encouraged to use the new file operation methods instead.
  • ImageAttention method return HeatmapInfo.OutputImage is now in the format /ImageId_heatmap.png
  • ImageAttention method used to create a new ImageId GUID on every analysis.
    From API version 6, the ImageId remains the same from image upload and through every image analysis.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Feng-GUI What's in it for me

What's in it for me

Feng-GUI is the fast, cheap, reliable way to ensure users see what you want them to see on your designs. Upload and test any image with our easy-to-use interface – our algorithmic model will predict how your visuals will be perceived by the viewers.
Each test produces few reports showing where user attention will be focused, enabling you to hone your designs to ensure users see exactly what you want them to see.

  • Test your designs before they go live
  • Generate reports to see where user attention will be focused
  • Learn the strengths of your designs and what needs to change
  • Improve your designs until they are achieving their goals

Why you need Feng-GUI

The only way to know whether your designs are working effectively is to test them. Our reports graphically show what is working on your design and what is not. Empowering you to make crucial design decisions based on facts and not subjectivity or intuition.
  • Understand where users will focus attention on your designs: Make sure you are achieving your goals
  • Discover whether visual elements will be seen in the right order: Ensure your marketing message is being heard
  • Validate your designs with clear evidence of what works and what doesn't: Base design decisions on facts about user behavior, not assumptions
  • Save time and money by testing designs before they go live: Remove any costly design errors before it's too late
Our reports place the user at the centre of your design process. Only by understanding how the user sees your design can you be sure you are getting your message across.