Monday, December 10, 2012

UX Holiday Party! Yay!

We're happy to co-sponsor the Los Angeles User Experience Meetup party which will take place at
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
6:00 PM at 12012 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

cheers to Crystal Ehrlich for making it happen.

more information at

Monday, November 26, 2012

Feng-GUI featured at WebHostingGeeks serbo-croatian directory

Feng-GUI article translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Jovana Milutinovich from
Since 2004, the WebHostingGeeks project has become the Internet's most widespread web hosting directory. Here they talk a lot about web development, networking and server security. To make things better they launched this science section with the free access to educational resources and important scientific material translated to different languages


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Feng-GUI presenting at DLD Tel-Aviv 2012

Rafael Mizrahi, Feng-GUI CEO will be presenting at DLD Tel-Aviv at:
23 Oct. 09:30 - 10:20 Advertising Paradigms. at Hall A

Moderated by:
Alon Carmeli – CEO, Babylon
Alexander Schwarz - VP of Business Development & Co-Founder, Softonic International
Keith Teare - CEO, Inc
Rafael Mizrahi – CEO, Feng-GUI
JJ Schmuckler – Chief of Staff, Y&R Advertising

24 Oct. 11:20 – 12:00 Innovation and Creativity Culture in Israel. at Hall B
Presentations by:
Yariv Bash - CEO and Co-Founder, SpaceIL
Rafael Mizrahi – CEO, Feng-GUI
Tamir Plachinsky – Project Manager, Ben Gurion Racing, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Rei Dishon - the Israeli burning man community, MidBurn

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Feng-GUI featured at for

Feng-GUI free version is featured at "for Dummies".
The smart readers among you, should go for the premium version :)
Thank you!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Innovative Thinking Inside The Box

You've probably been told before that you should "Think out of the box".
Well... you should also be creative while "thinking Inside the box"
Here is a quick Ignite presentation by Feng-GUI CEO, Rafael Mizrahi, presented at WPP Stream which outline few examples of why finding a solution for a problem should stay within the "problem's space", hence, "the box".

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Gestalt insights by strategic-planet using Feng-GUI

Have you ever wondered how to visually optimise your website?  The Gestalt theories of visual perception can help you: there are also online tools available to support the process. This blog will look at one of them and explain the principles behind Gestalt. It is also worth highlighting that this tool can also be used to test printed adverts.
Thank you Alan!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

SEOmoz, Cognitive SEO and Feng-GUI are sponsoring the SEOROI contest

SEOmoz, Cognitive SEO and Feng-GUI are sponsoring the SEOROI contest for SEOs to share their most creative and powerful tactics.
read more about the SEO contest and its prizes at SEO ROI website

Monday, August 13, 2012

Feng-GUI featured at is all about making research accessible. We deal with human-centered aspects of technology: Interaction Design, User Experience (UX), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Information Architecture (IA), Human Factors, Usability, and related fields.

We are happy to announce that Feng-GUI visual attention service is featured at with a discount for site members.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

BoagWorld: The big decisions about design and how to make them

Paul Boag podcast and article about the big decisions designers face and how to solve them.
One of the visual design elements is Flow and Paul is demonstrating how to use Feng-GUI attention analysis to evaluate the gaze path of the eyes which will view your design.

A grid provides structure, however by itself it is not enough. The user’s eye has to be drawn around the page until it alights on the various screen elements we need them to pay attention to. In other words their eyes need to flow from one item to the next.
Creating flow can be achieved in lots of different ways. On I used colour, faces, illustrations and typography to make sure users were looking at the right items in the right order.

Paul Boag is the co-founder of the web design agency Headscape and host of the boagworld podcast.

Read the full story at

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

How To Get Management Excited About Conversion Optimization

Jun 27, 2012 at 1:32pm ET by Brian Massey at
As search marketers, your job is to generate traffic. More traffic means more sales. As we become more wise to the math of conversion, we begin to realize that it may make sense to shift some attention away from the unending search for higher click-through rates and toward getting higher conversion rates on our sites.
Two page analyzers we use are AttentionWizard and Feng-Gui. These services analyze a screen capture and tell you where your visitors eye is likely to fall when they first arrive. It simulates an eye-tracking study. Run your important pages through one of these and do the same with the equivalent page from your competitor’s site. You may learn that they are directing the eye more effectively.

read the whole article at

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Service Update at 15 March 2012

Service Update at 15 March 2012

This message is to notify you that the Feng-GUI team will be performing a scheduled maintenance that will impact your solutions.
From the hours of March 14, 2012 @ 10:00PM until March 15, 2012 @ 1:00AM. All times are in Central Standard Time (GMT -6).
The outage is expected to last no longer than 20 minutes.
This service update (v3.8) contain improved performance and new functional features.

Web API Changes
The March service update include a change at the API methods: GetImageSet and GetAccountInfo
If you are using the functions GetImageSet or GetAccountInfo, please make sure to update your SOAP integration with the new changes.
public ImageSet GetImageSet(int PageNum, int ItemsCount)
More fields added to the AccountInfo struct.
public AccountInfo GetAccountInfo(string AccountID)
public struct AccountInfo
string UserName;string Password;string Email;string Roles;int Status;int Used;
int Credit;string Service;string DateAdd;string FirstName;string LastName;
string Address;string City;string ZipCode;string Country;string Company;int Storage;
int Mailing;

You can preview the new API at
We appreciate the effort it takes to write and maintain an integration between two systems
and apologize for an API change that is not backwards compatible.

End of support for XML-RPC web API
From 1 June, 2012 we will no longer provide support for the XML-RPC web API.
Feng-GUI partners who are still using our XML-RPC API will need to have transitioned to SOAP API by 1 June, 2012.
We recommend migrating prior to 1 June 2012, to allow plenty of time for any last minute issues.

We’re happy to assist with your migration plan to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Please don’t hesitate to contact support if you have any questions.

Valentine’s Day Credits Back

Your customer satisfaction is our top priority and since today is Valentine's Day, we want to show you our love and appreciation.

We queried our database for customers with expired credits and extended the expiration period of all the purchased packages to 1st April 2012.
We hope that you will manage to make use of all your credits.

To view your credit balance and your payment history, sign in and check the "Account Details" > "Purchase History".

If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear them.
We value your opinion most, so if you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service to you, please let us know.

Team Feng-GUI

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Interview - Making websites look ‘just right’

Rafael Mizrahi interview at the Consulate General of Israel, Boston, New England.
It's often a real challenge for designers to set up a web page with all the required elements -- images, disclaimers, links -- while guiding users to make a purchase, click on a link, sign up for an e-mail newsletter, etc. For businesses that rely on the web for sales -- or “conversions,” as they are called in web sales circles -- it's a matter of dollars and cents because users aren't going to keep surfing on a site that's too difficult to understand or too confusing to look at.

read the full interview at

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Better User Experience Podcast #9: An Interview with Feng-GUI CEO Rafael Mizrahi

by Ben Snyder

"A Better User Experience" ( website is a brilliant website with learning resources about: web usability, user testing, and building a better online user experience.

Here is an interview they had with Feng-GUI CEO, Rafael Mizrahi.

Listen to the interview at:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

DLD 2012 Conference

For the 8th time, Burda’s digital summit gathers international agenda setters in Germany and discusses topics of the digital world. This time DLD12 will take place on January 22nd until 24th, 2012 at the HVB Forum in Munich

CEO Rafael Mizrahi will attend the DLD Conference from January 22-24 in Munich.